SFB 1123 Atherosclerosis-Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets

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Albert Busch

Translating the needs of vascular research to adequate animal models – examples from the carotis to the aorta

23.10.2023 17:00  – 18:00 

IRTG1123_LectureSeriesSpeaker: PD Dr. Dr. med. Albert Busch, Geschäftsführender Oberarzt

Facharzt für Gefäßchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

 Title:  Translating the needs of vascular research to adequate animal models – examples from the carotis to the aorta

Host: Valentina Paloschi / Laura Parma

Time: 17-18h

Location: "Hörsaal Pettenkoferstr 9a, 3 OG"

Hörsaal, 3 OG
Pettenkoferstraße 9a
80336 München